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As many of us at EEA, work is a very important aspect of who I am.
Starting in 2012, in what's now called BES and now in CET, I've been a seconded national expert for 4 years before coming back to EEA early 2017.
I've had the idea of joining the staff committee before, but in the past never went for it. That doesn't mean I haven't done anything else than my work during these years.
One of my most important hobbies is collecting stamps. Boring! is often the first reaction I get, but that changes when we can talk about the history of country through this collection. Over the next 2 years, I can reduce the time spending on this hobby.
Another activy that relaxes me is cooking and baking. While in the past, this were sometimes big parties (like weddings), but here in Denmark it is more small scale. Making cakes and dessert, a hobby I can give more attention if elected for the 2023-'24 staff committee ;-)
If you've been at my campaign meeting last Thursday, you've had the chance to hear some of my ideas and priorities.
One Agency: a place for every colleague. More than 2 years ago, the results of the staff committee's work on gender inequalities was delivered to ADS and EEA's management. So the basis to start working is there.
But there are many more dimensions to look at before we are an Agency where everyone is welcome:
One Agency: where the place in the organigramme does not define the applicable rules.
In 2023-2024, there are many activities for the staff committee waiting, on top of the tasks any staff committee has to do. While listening to colleagues, I believe the staff committee 2023-2024 will have to prioritise:
Five/Six people form a group of 250, can never be representative for all variation. So with me in the staff committee 2023-2024, it will not only listen and inform, but also co-create with all volunteers available.
(c) Ybele Hoogeveen
Feel free to contact me, with the questions you have.
I will not be at EEA very often in the remaining part of 2022, but virtually I'm available almost all the time.
Use Teams, or send me e-mails via my campaign email address.